No, I am not in any way in depression mode right now. The title just happens to be a line from Leona Lewis' song Happy. My fave part of the song, that seems to just not leave my mind (lss, last song syndrome) ::
So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge.
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my placeI wanna hear myself
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
Cause i'm just trying to be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah
Learnt something last wednesday in service, all 'bout honesty in our relationships. Relationships with family and friends, relationship with God, and relationship with ourselves. I realize that sometimes we arent completely honest even with the most simple things in life. A simple example was said, of how a wife asked her husband, "Am I atractive?" The husband answered "yes", knowing if he said no, he would be in trouble. In reality the husband was paying attention to what was said, not what was asked. What the wife was truly asking, was if her husband still valued her. Rephrase of the husband's answer this time, being honest "Dear, you are beyond attactive outwards but also inwards. Because of your character, I fall more inlove with you each day. . ." And so on, sorry forgot the rest. Hahaha. But you get the picture.
On another note, heard about an upcoming "super typhoon" yet again arriving in Philippines sometime today. Grrrr, i feel sad not being able to physically help my fellowmen back home but as my friend said "Only those who put their faith in Christ can experience the peace that transcends all understanding." All I have now is faith, let's pray and have faith in God in the protection of everyone back at home.
By the way, it's OCTOBER!!..that means Youth Service starting, back to school = volunteering time, P&W Night (woohoo!!!..), dressing up for Halloween??, and a month away from my birthday :D hahahah..What are you excited for this month?..
Hugs and kisses xoxo <3
omg ure going for volunteer work....damn i should come oh n HOT PIXXX...love em
I love your mother's purse! that shade of blue is my favorite!=) BTW, I've added you to my blogroll, hope you check back my blog again.. donr forget to say hi!=)
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